Asparagus, Bean Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mushrooms, Radishes, Salad Greens, Spinach, String Beans, Squash.
Brown rice, Sweet Potato, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Spaghetti, Yams, Rye Bread, Pumpkin Bread.
Apples, Strawberries, Papaya, Pears, Fresh Prunes, Oranges, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Peaches
Chicken, Salmon, Tuna, Lean Beef, Jerky, Turkey, Lunch Meat, Lunch Meat Roast Beef, Eggs.
Avacado, Almonds, Cashews, Olive Oil, Whole Organic Butter, Walnuts, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts
Spicy Mustard, Hot Sauce, Crushed Red Pepper,
Salt, Pepper, Fiesta Lime Mrs. Dash, Tomato Basil Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Light Mayonnaise, Catchup, Regular Mustard
Even though winter is upon us, you still want to stay hydrated and consume water on a daily basis. Water is a must for a healthy life style. The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day. If you way 170 lbs you should try to drink at least 80-85 oz of water a day. A glass of water when you get up and then periodically throughout the day. The body prefers room temperature water and try drinking a glass of water before you eat to help with over eating. Remember sodas, beer, juice, milk, coffee, etc does not count toward water consumption for the day.
Let’s discuss a little nutrition. I know this time of year is hard to keep up on your diet but try to keep portion sizes small. Look for protein if possible( grilled chicken, lean beef, eggs, Salmon). A 4oz piece of chicken can have 30-36 grams of protein and lean beef 28-30 grams to help keep your energy levels up and to fuel your body for those late night parties. And of course look for your fruits and Veggies, but limit the amount of sugar!! Sodas, candy, cookie and cakes can be on your menu but just limit your amounts as they contain the trans fats that cause rapid weight gains.
A quick tip- give yourself 3-4 cheat meals a week during the Holidays and then 2-3 after the holidays, and limit the junk food and sodas. Plus keep drinking the water, as this will aid in keeping you hydrated as the sugar rush comes!!
Continue to check our web site as we add our fitness and nutrition page to help you eat and exercise better.
This 30 minute exercise plan was developed to accommodate everyone with their busy daily schedules from the comforts of your home. Any age level, gender and skill level can benefit from this exercise plan. The Power of 3 allows you to choose 3 exercises from 3 categories. You spend 10 minutes in each category 3-4 times a week.
Categories are:
Warm up ( Cardio, stretching)
Strength Training
Cool Down
Leg swings, Toe Touches, Golf Club or Weighted Rod Shoulder Turns, Lunges, Heisman Kicks, Open Book-Close Book stretch, Jump Rope, Light Jogging, Brisk Walking, Use of Elliptical, Pivot Jumps, Walking Hamstring stretches, Stationary and Walking Quad Kicks, Walking Hip lifts, Side to Side Shuffles,.Bridge Hamstring Stretch. ( Hold Stretches for 8-10 seconds at least times)
Reminder* When using weights start with lighter weights, as you progress through the system you can add more weights according to your strength and proper form.
Lunges w/ med ball, Lunges w/ med ball with twist, Body Weight squats, Squats with weights, Arm curls, Arm Presses, Leg Lifts, Over the Head Curls, Arm Lifts, Dead Lifts, Crunches, Bench Press, Box Jumps, Lunges w/weights, Push ups, Med ball tosses standing and or while laying on your back, Med ball squat slams.
Jumping Rope, Brisk walk, Walking leg stretch, Biking, Knee grabs-standing or laying down, Toe touches- sitting or standing, wall pushes,Arm and Shoulder rotations, Rod or Club Rotations, Heisman Kicks with weighted rod or club, Foam Rolling, One leg squats with forward reach.
If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a one on one exercise session at our facility or an in home session please contact us..
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